You make this post even though you know that people have been making complaints since the beginning. 'Oh no, there are no interesting people to give me entertainment.' Jeez, every single one sounds exactly the same. Have you thought, that the petty topics you've complained about arn't actually problems, and they could be easly changed or ignored based on your own actions? The BBS hasn't changed, you have. And not in a maturing manner either. The BBS will always have times of low appeal to us, and what we should do is not place the ideotic blame on others or the system, but on OURSELVES for not being creative or interesting at the time. It's NOT up to everyone else to be great, but the opportunities to have fun are held within our own abilities, that we must develope. YOU are the one that's deteriorated enough to have a lack of contribution. It's you, not the BBS. You don't have the capacity to make an impact, or deal with change whatsoever.
And the irony is, that by leaving, you've become one of those faces of past-tense genre of uselessness. You are now just one of those same type of people, no different from a steriotype you've listed above. And don't forget that this action does reflect what kind of person you are. This says that when things get tough, you don't care and you abandon when the resources dwindle in appeal. I don't like to believe this, but with posts like this, all I can imagine is that if I actually met this person, they'd be exactly the same, have exactly the same characteristics, the same personal attributes as all the people who bitched and complained about the BBS until they left. I don't like to think this, but I can't help but come to that theory.
I believe that the efforts of one person can make a difference, at least on themselves. People can work their way beyond stubborness and choose to make an improving impact. It could be hard for some, but isn't the work alone worth the unending effort? It was just by chance that I saw this post. If you are so narrow-minded and unable to look in the mirror at your own childishness about the BBS, then I'm sorry to say good riddance.
I'll admit, you probably won't take any heed of what I've typed here, but if you don't maybe someone else will. You have to make it enjoyable. There are smart people. There are interesting and good people, but to find them you're gonna have to become one yourself.
It's sad that things have ended up this way. You're one of the best I've seen from the generation of new users and it's a shame that the BBS can't be a more suitable environment for decent posting.
Funny that you mention decent posting.
4dchan; /b/ specifically has the best environment I've seen for posting. Everyone's chill; there's some trash here and there but all the topics are interesting. There's no "SO I STOOD UP THEN I SAT DOWN, BUT I SAT ON A BANNANA LOL" or so.
Yeah, great you agree too.