Well BBS, I'm afraid you're much more boring now.
You have none of the jolly good fun you used to offer; even if I signed up in 07 I know that you're declining in entertainment value. When I was a noob who didn't know how to type properly or anything; I had the best fun I had on the internet in forever. The thrill of the influx of interesting topics and people never ceased to amaze me; it's dwindling now due to the fact that the people I've grown to enjoy their presence on the BBS are leaving. Not all of them; but some are, and it's increasing. I mean there's Willi and Mendou; two of the most fascinating people I've met, and both of them have just packed their bags and left the BBS. I can see why; the BBS is getting shittier. The people that are rising up to be the prominent members of the upper crest that everyone notices are complete douches, trolls, try hard bad-asses and people who are so fake it's disgusting.
There's also the kiss-up thrown in, and the innocent little newbie who everyone likes to push around ( I included, sadly. ) These stereotypes that lack any niche in the world other than look bad-ass on the internet are what's driving the BBS down, not for me, but for everyone else as well. I mean come on, how many times has someone told you to kill yourself because you said something stupid? A lot. And who says that? Internet hardasses who enjoy seeing people get hurt over the internet; or enjoy tormenting people. Sick people these are; they're like into S&M or something.
Another thing about the BBS is that there is never anything interesting ever going on any more. Everything is just too forced, all humor is artificial and is never pure coincidence or sheer talent in telling jokes. Remember dickneck? That's people making fun of a guy with a long neck for 21 pages, photoshopping the poor man to oblivion. Remember 2hot2rock? That was a misguided teen, sure we all hate him but if you find him existing such a humorous matter just go to your school and then make fun of a little kid's haircut. What else has happened? Sirtom? Eh? Eh?
Seriously guys, every single figment of humor you have is always taking the piss out of someone. That's terrible. Even /b/ is better than that; since it manages to both make humor that is raw humor and humor that takes people to a whole new low. But you, BBS you're a big cyber bully, and I'm glad to have realized that now.
Also I have little complaints about how the mods maltreat me; since that's a lie but the way they lock and ban threads that are worthwhile and entertaining; yet they deem spam irritate me in a way.
Well, I'm getting tired of seeing all these fake, no good people crush decent, real people because of an opinion or a stupid statement.
And I'm tired of the constant search of new and entertaining people to keep in touch with; so here's my MSN: exjay126@live.com mmhmm kthx
My leave may or may not be imminent, it was good though.
I'd wish the good times will still exist and live on; but that's something that only I can decide, so yeah.
Next time you see me on the BBS, that's just me in an endless routine I can't get out of; basically I'm leaving the BBS in spirit.
A salute to all things Newgrounds
Haha, this is bullshit I'm not leaving, but yeah BBS is boring etc. etc.
It's sad that things have ended up this way. You're one of the best I've seen from the generation of new users and it's a shame that the BBS can't be a more suitable environment for decent posting.
Funny that you mention decent posting.
4dchan; /b/ specifically has the best environment I've seen for posting. Everyone's chill; there's some trash here and there but all the topics are interesting. There's no "SO I STOOD UP THEN I SAT DOWN, BUT I SAT ON A BANNANA LOL" or so.
Yeah, great you agree too.