Interview a soldier, a priest, and the owner of a nearby school. ( NOT ACCOMPLISHED )
Memorize an elocution piece that is probably around 12 stanzas long. ( NOT ACCOMPLISHED )
Get everyone on my team in Pokemans to level 50. ( ACCOMPLISHED )
Acquire the National Dex in Pokemans. ( NOT ACCOMPLISHED )
Read "Shakespeare Spy" for book report. ( NOT ACCOMPLISHED )
Create designs for the yearbook page of my class. ( HALF ACCOMPLISHED )
Upload that one beautiful song of mine. ( NOT ACCOMPLISHED )
Attend to personal life, like relationships and whatnot. ( NOT ACCOMPLISHED )
Study in advance for the next semester. ( NOT ACCOMPLISHED )
Improve Powerpoint for presentation. ( NOT ACCOMPLISHED )
Write script of a short film. ( NOT ACCOMPLISHED )
Write script of a short play. ( NOT ACCOMPLISHED )
Lucky for me I have until Monday to do most of these. And lucky for me one day is a long time.
While laughing at my laziness here is a semi-amusing picture.
yo man that lewks like it sucks