
96 Audio Reviews

57 w/ Responses


This is a great piece. I fucking love how the drums are punctuated by the broken sounding synths. And I love the gentle pads that give it some atmosphere. Great song.

So fucking beautiful

I love the interplay of the guitar and piano on this track. The melodies are so beautiful, and when the progression changes at :59, the emotion intensifies. I'm sorry I couldn't give you more words on this, I'm not much of a musician. I can't really comment on this, but I just HAVE to give you props on the whole feel of it. Everything works together to create the feel you give in the title.

Great piece. I love it.

Stargenx responds:

Thanks for the review! You don't have to be a musician to enjoy music. That's the beauty of it.

You're a fucking genius

This piece just blew my fucking mind. I mean, I'm 15 too and have a whole year of producing/composing experience more than you, and yet you've made every single piece of mine seem shit in comparison, and this piece just put the nail in the fucking coffin. Your immensely intimate understanding of music trumps mine to an extreme degree, leaving me simultaneously embarrassed and in awe. Jesus Christ. You are a fucking genius.

This song isn't just "oh cool you're only 15" good, this song is fucking GREAT. I love it. The melodies and tones interact with each other on a level I cannot even fully comprehend. The drums and bass pulse effortlessly throughout the song and leave me in a trance. I feel as if I am flying through a ecumenopolis in some luxurious jet while I am listening to this. Neon lights splash across the windshield as the chilling air in the jet tense and harden my muscles.

I'm truly in awe here. This is truly the work of a genius. Hit me up next time you have a big project.

Step responds:

Wow, this review literally left me speechless for a while. This is probably one of the nicest reviews I've ever received. I'm extremely grateful for it, thanks a LOT!

To start with I don't see why you think my stuff makes your songs sound bad. I mean to be honest I think your music's great and at least you actually take the time to record your instruments and play live with your band - I've never done any of that and just sequence everything.

Also I don't have much music knowledge either - anything I make is influenced a lot by what comes into my head at the time, which in turn is in influenced by stuff I listen to and go through throughout the day. Not really any musical knowledge there, and I'm deaf from one ear too so that just proves it even more.

But seriously I really like all the compliments. This review has really made my day and I'm glad you liked my track! Thanks again!

Pretty good

I actually really liked the feel of this. The drums were pretty great and really made the track in my opinion, if it weren't for the drums this song would probably be annoying.

The synths and melodies going on are actually all pretty good, it definitely sounds like a song that could appear in a spooky setting in a lighthearted video game. All in all, this is a very good track, good work. Not much I can say in terms of improving this.

Darkmaster603 responds:

Well good thing the drums were in it, I'm glad it wasn't too annoying then. Thanks for the review.

You are awesome

This song is absolutely great. I fucking love it. Your playing is awesome because even if you're shredding you're still paying attention to the overall melody and feel of the song, so in that sense you're like Paul Gilbert! God damn, your playing actually reminds me of him even. I really like your use of the major scale here, it sounds awesome.

I also really like your tone here, it's not particularly unique or anything, but why would it need to be? Just solid distortion, plain and simple. And I love it. What guitars/amps are you using?

Aside from the guitars, everything else in this song works really well. The bass and drums groove and serve their purpose while the guitar just goes on a 4 minute reign of epic. Good job.

Probably my only point of improvement that I could give you is that the song sounds a bit muddy. The mix could use quite a bit more highs. And I think this would further sell the image you're trying to convey if you added some synths in there.

God damn. Good job man. It'd mean a lot if you took the time to dissect any of my band songs. Great chops, great ear. You're awesome.

Great track

You did a really good job of making this track your own. I fucking love it. 10 stars, 5/5.

BuggMusic responds:

Thank you so much, this means a lot, it really does!

Certain instrument sounds could be better

I actually liked the composition of this track. It was very intricate and intense, just like the stuff I'm used to hearing in RPG video games. I really like how it kinda eases up at around the :45 mark, that was a really good section.

What I didn't like about this however is how the drums sound. In my opinion, you really need to bring out a solid snare sound for this; like what one would hear in a military beat. Basically the effect the drums have in FF13's opening song. Yeah.

Anyway, great piece, but the instruments could use some work.

MeteorManMike responds:

And the drums continue to give me fits. I'll keep that in mind next time. Thanks for reviewing!

Really muddy

The main problem with this piece is how muddy the mix is. The synths and such are really unnecessary, it would have been better to just have a simple string arrangement rather than an irritating array of synths, or better yet, not to have an instrument other than the guitar at all!

Another bad thing that the synths did other than generally mess up the entire ebb and flow of the song was that it took the attention away from the guitar. I liked the guitar action you got going here, but I think this progression would've been better off used in a song with your band. It could sound pretty grunge-y.

I liked the solo at the end though, from what I was able to make out among the annoying synths, I heard some nice pinch harmonics going on. Good job with that.

All in all, this is a song that could be far better.

thecoreman responds:

Besides the weird synths at the beginning, there aren't any synths in the song... It's just a guitar with effects.

I've been told that the mix is muddy, too much going on in the middle. I'm thinking about changing that guitar's work completly.

Thanks for the compliments and the review!

Beat is shit

I really liked your rhymes and stuff, nice style, nice flow, you're a great rapper, however, the beat is absolutely shit. There is no fucking bass. What the hell is hip-hop without the bass? It sounded pretty cheap, but with a good beat and a hook, this song could be really great.

Anyway, I make a bit of hiphop, and I could use a good rapper to rap over my beats. Send me a message if you wanna collaborate on something, I'll send you a track to rap over if you're interested.

The world has turned and left me here.

Age 29, Male



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